Return Policy

If you don't like the product or have any questions, you have the option to file a return request from the product within 7 days (may vary by product. See product page when ordering for details). The only requirement of the return policy is that the item you return should be in actual condition. Labels and packaging should remain intact and this product should not be used.

You can now email us to request a return. Remember to submit a return request within 7 days of the order being delivered, otherwise your request will be rejected.

Email our support team at

Once we receive your return request, our team will review your request and once the request is approved, we will schedule a pickup based on the date and time you specify, subject to availability. Refunds will be processed when the product is delivered to our warehouse and meets the quality parameters of the item. No refunds will be given if the product received does not pass the quality inspection.

Please note that only the amount of the item will be refunded, other charges (such as shipping, service charges, etc.) will not be refunded.

There are some exceptions to the return policy for certain items.

The following exceptions and rules apply to this policy:

1. All items to be returned must be unused and in original condition with all original labels and packaging intact.

2. If you purchased an item with a free gift/offer and you wish to return the main item, your gift will also need to be returned to process the required refund.

3. Toys28℃ is not responsible for incorrectly returned products. If an additional or different product is returned in error, Toys28℃ is not responsible for misplacement or replacement of the product, nor is it responsible for returning the product to the customer.